United Nations tourism event here starts today

CEBU, Philippines — The three-day United Nations Tourism Organization (UNTO) Joint Commission Forum in Cebu is set to start today. This event in Cebu is also the first UN Tourism Regional Forum on Gastronomy Tourism for Asia and the Pacific.

“This event promises to be a vibrant celebration of the extraordinary impact of gastronomy tourism. This groundbreaking exchange that will shape the future of tourism in our region,” said Department of Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco in her Facebook page.

Last Monday Frasco visited her mother, Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, at the Capitol for the final preparations for the Capitol-led functions of the event.

During that visit Garcia and Frasco inspected the venues for the multiple events at the Capitol.

Other key officials present in the meeting were DOT Undersecretary Shahlimar Tamano, DOT Assistant Secretary Gissela Marie Quisumbing, Provincial Board Member and Chairman of the Committee of Tourism Red Duterte, and Cebuano designer Furne One Amato.

Today, at least 300 delegates are expected to visit Cebu from 30 UNTO-member countries across Asia and the Pacific like Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Laos, Vietnam, and Spain.

On June 27, the 300 delegates will be divided into three groups, as they will explore some of Cebu Province’s tourist spots and destinations.

The first group will visit Camotes Island, while the other group will explore Dalaguete and Argao towns for a heritage tour.  The third group will head to Aloguinsan town for an eco-tour of Hermit's Cove and Bojo River Cruise.

According to Sugbo News, the official Facebook page of the provincial government, a dinner reception will be prepared for the delegates, as well as a fashion show at the Capitol Grounds, featuring the masterpieces of Amato.

DOT noted that Cebu was chosen as the venue being the number one province in the entire country and one of the top tourism and event destinations in Asia.

“In this remarkable event, the DOT will serve more than just food; delegates will have the chance to experience the diverse tourism offering of the Philippines where culture, nature, and adventure perfectly blend,” DOT said in their Facebook page. — (FREEMAN)

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