HPG ready to help apprehend unconsolidated Jeepneys

CEBU, Philippines — The Highway Patrol Group (HPG)-7 is ready to assist the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)-7 if it needs help in apprehending public utility vehicles (PUV) that have failed to consolidate within the extension given to them by the national government.

Starting early morning yesterday, May 16, PUVs that were still not consolidated would be apprehended after the grace period given by LTFRB-7 to passenger jeeps to consolidate ended on May 15, Wednesday.

According to Police Colonel Wilbert Parilla, Regional Chief of HPG-7, they will wait for the order from their headquarters regarding this. He said they have yet to receive such instructions since they also have not received formal requests from LTFRB.

However, Parilla said that if for example the LTFRB-7 and the Land Transportation Office-7 would ask for help from their office, they are ready to help in the implementation of the law. — /ATO (FREEMAN)

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