Next for Camomot: The ‘venerable’ title

CEBU, Philippines —  If the Vatican declares former Cebu archbishop Teofilo Camomot as “venerable” this May, the Daughters of St. Teresa congregation will consider it as a gift in time for its 60th founding anniversary.

DST Mother Superior Louella Grace Buscato said the title as venerable will also be a gift to the Catholic Church in the Philippines, which will mark 500 years of existence come 2021.

DST is the congregation founded by Camomot about 60 years ago.

The cause for Camomot’s sainthood started in 2015. The prelate was known for his generosity, love for the poor, living a simple life, prayerful and healing the sick.

But the journey towards the sainthood declaration is long and winding. Camomot still has to be declared as venerable, then as “blessed,” before being conferred the title of a “saint.”

The cause for Camomot’s sainthood included the submission of a 522-page “Positio” last week to Rome-based postulator, Fr. Samson Silloriquez, OAR.

Father Mhar Balili, who is on top of the cause of sainthood for Camomot, earlier explained that the Positio summarizes the heroic virtues of the Cebuano prelate.

The Positio includes testimonies of 45 witnesses, written documents related to Camomot, his official biography, and synthesis on why he should be declared as a saint of the Catholic Church.

“At present, (Silloriquez) is finalizing/reviewing the documents for submission to the Congregation of the Causes of Saints in Vatican,” said Buscato.

The review is expected to be done by first week of March, and within a month after that, the relator in Rome will then conduct an oral defense on the cause.

Balili, who collaborates with Silloriquez, said that the Positio will be assessed by the theologians, and forwarded to the cardinals, who will then vote whether to continue the cause or end it.

Balili said that the cardinals will further scrutinize the Positio and make a recommendation to the Pope for the declaration of Camomot as venerable or a person who lived heroic virtues.

If declared as such, one miracle is needed for Camomot to be declared as blessed, and one more miracle is needed for him to be declared as saint.

DST will be celebrating the 106th birth anniversary of Camomot tomorrow, March 3, at the DST monastery in Valladolid, Carcar City, Cebu.

A series of activities is being held in commemoration of his birth anniversary, including a Walk for Mary, a mass wedding, and twice daily novena thanksgiving masses.  JMD (FREEMAN)

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