Bizwoman nabbed for bribe try

CEBU, Philippines — A 47-year-old businesswoman ended up in jail for allegedly trying to bribe a police officer of the Parian Police Station in Cebu City which led the arrest of her client’s daughter in an anti-drug operation.

Yvonne Lyra Ho was arrested in an entrapment operation after attempting to bribe Police Officer 1 Nixon Miranda in exchange for the release of Crisbeb Chavez, 26.

Chief Inspector Kenneth Paul Albotra, Parian Police Station chief, said Ho handed over to Miranda P20,000 in cash wrapped in a brown envelope.

According to Albotra, Chavez and her companions, Sarah Rafols, 46, and Philip Bregente, 35, were arrested in a buy-bust operation in Sitio Riverside Barangay Lorega San Miguel around 3:30 yesterday dawn.

Chavez was listed as a high-value target in the station’s drug watch list.

Police seized 60 small sachets of shabu worth around P15,000 from the suspects.

Three hours after the arrest of Chavez, Ho reportedly went to the station and “negotiated” for Chavez’ release.

Appalled by the proposition, Miranda informed his superiors.

The police hatched an entrapment operation that led to Ho’s arrest.

In a separate interview, Ho admitted bribing the policeman.

“It’s not my money, it came from a relative. The money is to negotiate the release. Yes, I am aware this is illegal,” she said.

Charges for violating Article 212 of the Revised Penal Code or the Corruption of Public Officials will be filed against Ho.

Ho and her companions will also be facing charges for violating Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

Moreover, Alborta said the incident should serve as a stern warning to others not to try bribing or influencing policemen.

“Not all things mapalit sa kwarta especially ang balaod. This will serve as a lesson to them once malambigit sila sa illegal and they have to face the sanctions,” he said.

On March 28, all 39 Parian policemen, including the former station commander, were relieved from their posts after Police Officer 3 Ritchie Saquilabon, a member of the station’s drug enforcement unit, allegedly asked P20,000 from a drug suspect’s mother.

The policemen were made to undergo a moral enhance course to prevent similar incident.

Chief Superintendent Robery Quenery, Police Regional Office director, said this should serve as a lesson for all policemen to stop engaging in illegal activities.

“Huwag na natin hayaan na mangyari ulit iyon,” he said in yesterday’s speech before all station commanders under the Cebu Police Provincial Office.

“You as commanders should not only be supervising our men but also monitoring them.  At the first whiff of corruption, do some actions already kasi aabot yan sa inyo whether you like it or not,” he added. (FREEMAN)

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