CH creates body to monitor habal-habal operations

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City government has created a monitoring body to oversee the operation of motorcycles-for-hire in the city.

Mayor Tomas Osmeña issued on August 1 an executive order establishing the Two-wheeled Motorized Vehicle Monitoring, Coordination, and Assistance Unit (TWV-MCAU).

“It is undeniable that an improvised public transport based on the existing and readily-available low-cost motorcycles has long been operating in almost all parts of the city including the urban and residential areas,” read part of the EO.

Osmeña has been very vocal on his stand about allowing the operation of habal-habal and the online booking system using motorcycles.

He designated his executive assistant Arnel Tancinco, former director of Land Transportation Office, to lead the TWV-MCAU.

The mayor said habal-habal and app-based motorcycle-for-hire gives convenience to the riding public.

Osmeña said there is no government agency that is regulating and monitoring its operation for over two decades now.

“The government must recognize the existence and operation of habal-habal and provide necessary assistance and insure the welfare and safety of the public, not just their passengers but including pedestrians and other motorists,” the mayor said.

Under the EO, the unit will undertake community organizing to group together the existing habal-habal operators.

The mayor said he wants to provide uniform service and efficient service that is responsive to the people.

“In the first place, I don’t like to discuss the legality because I don’t want to put myself in a situation wherein I am disobeying the law. I am supposed to obey the law. But, foremost, it’s my concern on how we can help the people,” he said.

Tancinco, for his part, said the unit will be collating records and maintain database of all operators of habal-habal in the city.

The new body will also initiate programs and projects that will improve the services of the habal-habal operations.

Other things that have yet to be determined by the monitoring unit are; establishment of terminal, list of habal-habal drivers joining the app-based and those who are not joining; among others. (FREEMAN)

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