Law against plastic microbeads sought

CEBU, Philippines - Two environmental groups are urging lawmakers to prohibit the manufacture of beauty products that contain plastic microbeads that can reportedly pollute the oceans, harm marine life, and threaten public health.

Buoyed up by US President Barack Obama’s signing of the Microbead-Free Waters Act last December 28, the EcoWaste Coalition  and Oceana Philippines urged Congress to consider enacting a similar law.

Plastic microbeads can be found in cleansing products such as facial wash, shampoo, and toothpaste.

Lawyer Gloria Estenzo-Ramos, Vice President of Oceana Philippines, said phasing out plastic microbeads in personal care products will help reduce alarming microplastic pollution in the ocean.

"We hope that Congress will craft the necessary legislation and boost the growing movement against microbeads in cosmetics and for healthy fisheries and oceans,” she said.

Sonia Mendoza, President of the Coalition, said plastic microbeads go straight to the drainage system and into water bodies and, subsequently, pollute the oceans with minuscule, non-biodegradable particles that can be ingested by aquatic organisms that mistake them for eggs or plankton.

Mendoza said these microbeads, which are often smaller than one millimeter, attract and absorb hazardous substances and can be up to a million times more toxic than the water around them according to aquatic health researchers.

According to the International Campaign against Microbeads in Cosmetics, “the microbeads used in personal care products are mainly made of polyethylene (PE), but can also be made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polymethyly methacrylate (PMMA) and nylon.”

"Our Congress should follow US regulatory action on plastic microbeads and pass our own Microbead-Free Waters Act," Mendoza said. – (FREEMAN)

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