Public urged: Be sensitive to animals on New Year

CEBU, Philippines - As in the past, animal advocates are calling for sensitivity toward animals during the New Year celebration.

In a joint statement, the Philippine Animal Welfare Society and EcoWaste Coalition reminded the public that animals, particularly cats and dogs, have an acute sense of hearing that is why they are prone to “acoustical violence” when they heard very loud sounds like those of firecrackers. 

PAWS Executive Director Anna Cabrera said pyrotechnic explosions can cause acoustic trauma to animals that humans often take no notice of. She said such traumatic exposure to ear-splitting sounds and noxious fumes can stress animals and cause appetite loss, upset stomach and confused sense of direction, making animals to go astray or get injured.

The two groups are asking the public to consider a “less painful” celebration for animals by avoiding firecrackers, as much as possible. – (FREEMAN)

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