Man indicted in court for axing neighbor's head

CEBU, Philippines – A 50-year-old man was indicted for allegedly hacking his female neighbor's head using a huge ax in Guadalupe, Cebu City.

Cebu City Prosecutor Eulogio Borres, Jr. held Oscar Cavan for trial for the crime of frustrated homicide over last year's hacking incident that left Imelda Delgado injured.

 "…accused, armed with an ax, with deliberate intent, with intent to kill, did then and there attack, assault and hack Imelda Delgado, hitting her at her forehead with said ax and inflicting upon the latter injuries which injuries under ordinary circumstances would cause the death of Delgado," Borres said.

He recommended P24,000 bail for Cavan.

Delgado, 44, alleged that at past 4 p.m. on February 22, 2014, she was eating at the kitchen together with her mother, mother-in-law and nephews when they saw Cavan heeding to their direction bringing an ax.

Without any provocation, Cavan allegedly hacked Delgado, hitting her head.

 "I was wounded, I was able to scuffle with him and I was able to grab and took possession of his ax, then our neighbors arrived and brought Oscar towards his house," read the victim's sworn statement.

The prosecutor ordered Cavan to file his counter-affidavit, where the latter would deny the allegations hurled against him.

He said Delgado's head would have been broken into two if he indeed hacked her considering the huge size of the ax.

He asked for the dismissal of the case, claiming Delgado failed to present evidence that would corroborate her claim.

"The lone testimony of the private complainant (Delgado), without the corroborating sworn statements of her neighbors, who allegedly witnessed the hacking incident, is certainly self-serving and does not deserve even a scant consideration," he claimed.

The prosecutor ruled that it is best for the parties to raise their arguments and defenses before the court, thus, he recommended for the filing of the case. —/NSA (FREEMAN)

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