‘Illegal settlers’ occupy Shell Island

CEBU, Philippines - Private individuals are allegedly using the Shell Island in Cordova for duck raising, fishing, and other activities without the necessary permit from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

The Cebu City Environment and Natural Resources Office has confirmed the illegal occupation in the island.

CENRO officer Raul Pasoc identified the persons illegally occupying the island as Ruel Dumalag and his wife, Nardo Canito and his wife, and Berto Canito.

 Pasoc also identified Fanpilo Barnayja, Danilo Capillanes, Renato Cualbar, and Juanito Terante as security guards assigned in the island without permit, license, and or authority from the DENR.

 Pasoc said the persons violated the provisions of Section 68 of Presidential Decree 705 “Unlawful” Occupation” which prohibits any person to enter and occupies or possess for his own private use or for others, any forestland or grazing land without authority under a license agreement, lease or permit.

“Relative thereto, you are hereby advised to vacate the said Island immediately,” said Pasoc in his letter dated November 24, 2014 addressed to the identified individuals.

 Pasoc asked the assistance of Cordova Mayor Adelino Sitoy to serve the letters and in implementing the contents thereof.

Sitoy tasked Cordova Police Station chief, Senior Inspector Alexander Nuñez, to implement the order.

 “In the course of your implementation, please see to it that the whole Shell Island is secured from outsiders and therefore to be guarded tightly,” said Sitoy.

Sitoy told Nuñez that he may enlist the assistance of duly licensed blue guards at the expense of the municipality.

Sitoy further requires Nuñez to render report to his office the result of his mission and his periodic inspection of Shell Island from time to time. (FREEMAN)


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