POPCOM launches new program for teens

CEBU, Philippines - The Population Commission-7 will launch its new program for the youth dubbed as U4U (You-for-You) on August 9, 2014 at the covered court of Talisay City.

 POPCOM-7 info officer Sheryl Mary Villarta-Ygay said that this program will keep the adolescents informed about life’s skills and other problems faced by the youth of today, including teenage pregnancies.

During the 888 News Forum at the Marco Polo Plaza Hotel, Ygay explained that the new program is designed for  Filipino  teen-agers to protect them from making poor decisions in life, as well as  keeping them away from early sexual debuts and prevent them from getting Human Immuno Virus and other sexually-transmitted diseases.

POPCOM-7 regional director Bruce Ragas in a separate statement said that the U4U is their Youth Hub Initiative which is supported by the UN Population Fund.

The new programs aim to deliver important information and skills to Filipino youth aged 10 to 19 to help them in making healthy decisions.  

The U4U has several platforms which includes the online portal (www.u4u.ph), an interactive voice response system and a teen trail which is an educational and entertaining teen caravan that includes interactive exhibits, fun workshops, songs and dances. —(FREEMAN)

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