Citom denies request to close road section fronting Basilica

CEBU, Philippines -  The Cebu City Integrated Traffic Operations Management board has denied the request of Basilica Minore del Santo Niño to close for one day the section of Osmeña Boulevard fronting the church.

Citom executive director Rafael Christopher Yap said the board denied the second request for this year as they wanted to know first the timeline of the rehabilitation works of the church’s bell tower.

The letter request sent to CITOM did not specify the date but asked for closure while shoring is being done at the belfry that collapsed during the October 15 magnitude 7.2 earthquake. Shoring is the installation of structural support in preparation for the main construction work.

“We need to see their work schedule so that we’ll know when to close,” Yap said, adding that road closure to make way for the rehabilitation of the quake-damaged bell tower will only depend on its necessity.

Yap also emphasized that regular closure every Friday and Sunday has been granted to accommodate devotees that flock the religious heritage site. In an earlier briefing, restoration team led by National Historical Commission of the Philippines in close partnership with Cebu Archdiocese Commission on Heritage stressed that the project will take time as thorough scientific analysis and strategies precede construction proper.

Just this April, from Holy Week up to the celebration of Kaplag or the finding of the image of the Holy Child, the same road was closed for about two weeks for the religious activities as well as getting initial feel should the road be permanently closed to vehicular traffic.

A “pedestrianization” ordinance authored by Vice Mayor Edgardo Labella is pending at the Cebu City Council. The ordinance seeks for the permanent closure of the road fronting the Basilica.  (FREEMAN)

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