First in Archdiocese of Cebu: 3 lay members to take part in Siete Palabras

CEBU, Philippines -  A former Ombudsman, an educator, and a pastoral worker.

For the first time, the Cebu Archdiocese is deviating from the usual scenario of having ordained church officials leading the annual Siete Palabras every Good Friday with this year’s sharers featuring lay workers.

Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma yesterday explained this is part of the celebration of Year of the Laity with the theme “Filipino Catholic Laity: Called to Be Saints... Sent forth as Heroes.”

“Since this is the year of the laity, mas nindot nga maminaw kita sa atong mga layko. A lot of lay people have many good things to share. A great majority nga maminaw kay mga layko usab,” Palma explained to reporters after delivering his Lenten message.

It has been the tradition of the Archdiocese that only priests reflect The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ before He died on the cross every Good Friday.

This year’s lay speakers include retired Ombudsman, lawyer Virginia Palanca-Santiago, who is tasked to share on the second word, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise” as stated in the gospel of St. Luke 23:43.

Department of Education-7 Regional Director, Dr. Carmelita Dulangon, will reflect the third last word of Jesus, “Dear woman, here is your son” as written in John 19:26.

Archdiocesan head of the Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) secretariat Manolito Ardimer is the third lay person to share his thoughts particularly on the sixth last word of the Jesus, “It is finished” as written in the gospel of John 19:30.

Palma explained these three speakers were primarily chosen because of their roles in the Archdiocese of Cebu Council of the Laity.

The prelate added that while he is not sure if their reflections are pre-screened, Palma expressed his full confidence on the three lay workers saying they are chosen because they are qualified to share their experiences and relate it with the Seven Last Words in the context of lay ministry. (FREEMAN)

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