Talisay administrator says projects have council nod

CEBU, Philippines - Talisay City Administrator John Yre De los Reyes maintained there was no irregularity in the contracts that were entered into for the repair of the city's seawall and rehabilitation of the City Hall.

He said Vice Mayor Romeo Villarante, and City Councilors Choy Aznar and Dory Emit made it appear that the mayor was ignorant in implementing the said projects allegedly without their approval, when prior to the signing of the contracts, the City Council had approved a resolution authorizing the mayor to do the same.

De los Reyes also said he did not understand why Villarante and the city councilors are opposed to the projects, when they were the same people who lambasted his father when the mayor did not request the council to hold a special session shortly after the Oct. 15 earthquake, when cracks formed at City Hall and other city structures.

The City Hall was closed for a week because of earthquake damage.

It can be recalled that Villarante called for a special session at Rex's Kandingan, a popular dining place in Talisay, to declare the city under a state of calamity immediately after the earthquake so the mayor could release funds for the repair of the damaged government-owned buildings.

"Moingon si (It is said by) Villarante that they should be informed by the mayor first before he (mayor) signs any contracts to avoid any legal problems, basin nalimot siya nga naay (I think the vice mayor forgot that there was a) resolution nga iyang gipirmahan (that he signed," De los Reyes said.

"Kini ilang pag-question, ilang gi-point ang mayor di kamao ug abusado (By questioning the projects' implementation, they are like saying the mayor is without knowledge and abusive)," he said.

In its regular session last Jan. 28, the City Council approved a resolution authorizing the mayor "through an alternative mode of procurement, to enter into contract with winning bidder/contractor."

The council also acknowledged the immediacy of implementing the projects, saying the said "vital public infrastructure facilities shall be restored immediately in case of imminent danger of life or property during a state of calamity or from natural or man-made calamities or other causes, where immediate action is necessary to prevent damage of properties or loss of life."

"We (City Council) authorize Mayor Johnny V. De los Reyes to enter into a contract with the winning bidder/contractor on the rehabilitation of the city hall building (interior/roofing/skylight)," read the approved resolution.

The said resolution was signed by Villarante, being the council's presiding officer, and Council Secretary Emigdio Enjambre.

The city administrator said those who questioned the mayor's move should know better, because what the mayor did was "not for personal interest" but "for the common good."

Villarante, Amit, and Aznar, De los Reyes said, should know that there is an urgency to rehabilitate the seawall and the City Hall to prevent any more damage.

He said if  the city would not do it right away, there is a possibility that the minor damage on the seawall and the cracks at City Hall would cause bigger problems later on, especially that another typhoon hit the province last week.

"There is an urgency to repair and rehabilitate the seawall and rehabilitate the City Hall building. We are after the general welfare of the people of Talisay," he said.

"Immediate kaayo nga ma-repair dayon kay wa ta kahibaw basi'g sunod semana naa napuy bagyo. Kinsa'y mag-suffer, ang mga tawo (We don't know there might be another typhoon next week. Who would suffer, the people)?" he asked.

"Diri sa City Hall, kahibaw man gyud ni atong mga konsehal nga daghan ta'g cracks diri. Ganahan ni sila mag-work nga naay cracks? Ang gitan-aw gud sa mayor ang general welfare, ug unta mao pud ang tan-awon sa council, dili ang mag-una-una og paggawas sa (The city councilors know about the cracks in City Hall.  They like to work when the cracks are still there?  The mayor was just after the general welfare, the council should likewise think the same instead of releasing adverse statements to the) media," he said. (FREEMAN)

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