Massive coastal rehab in north Cebu

CEBU, Philippines - At least 1 million seedlings and propagules from mangrove trees and beach forest species will be planted in over 185 hectares of coastal areas in Northern Cebu affected by super typhoon Yolanda.

This massive coastal rehabilitation or restoration program will cover worst-hit areas in Bantayan Island, Camotes Island, Medellin, Bogo City, Daanbantayan and San Remigio and other parts of Northern Cebu.

In line with this, DENR-7 will earmark P10 million under the 'work for food program' to help out survivors of the typhoon. The establishment of mangrove and forest type plantations is aimed providing alternative sources of income and protecting the devastating impacts of storm surges.

DENR-7 Director Isabelo Montejo said in a statement that the program also aims to restore degraded coastal forests to make coastlines less vulnerable to extreme weather events by cushioning the impacts of typhoons, storm surges, tidal currents, and waves to coastal communities.

Montejo said central nurseries have been put up in Santa Fe , Bantayan, and Madridejos towns and 81 individuals were employed initially.

The program, he added, carries maintenance and protection for the next three years or until 2016 – enough for the mangroves to sustain their growth.

Montejo said further that about 80 percent of the allocation will be used for the government's work for food program for typhoon survivors who will take part in seedling production, planting site preparation, actual planting and maintenance of mangrove and beach forest areas.  (FREEMAN)

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