RH LAW CONTROVERSY: Pro-life claims victory in SC TRO extension

CEBU, Philippines - A Church official is glad about the Supreme Court decision to extend the 120 days Status Quo Ante Order against the controversial Reproductive Health Law.

The high tribunal voting 8-7 "indefinitely" suspended the implementation of the RH Law.

Monsignor Esteban Binghay, the Episcopal vicar of the Archdiocese of Cebu, said that the extension is a good sign that the justices were not in a hurry in making a decision.

"Para naku it's a good sign nga ang mga justices wala magdali-dali sa ilang desisyon. Ila gyud kining gitun-an pag maayo (It's a good sign that the justices were not in a hurry to make decisions. They really want to study the matter properly)," Binghay said.

In a report from the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) News, Supreme Court  Public Information Officer Theodore Te disclosed about the indefinite extension of the Status Quo Ante (the way things were before) order against the Republic Act 10354.

Binghay said that the new development also gives pro-life advocates to air out their side against the law.

"Maayo kaayo ni siya nga development, kay gitagaan pa gyud ug panahon ang mga anti-RH or ang mga pro-life advocates sa pagpadayag sa ilang mga opinion," Binghay said.

Binghay said that the pro-life advocates had already sent position papers and he is glad that the justices studied it well, especially on the moral issue on "When does life begin?"

Binghay urged the people and all pro-life advocates to continue praying that the sanctity of life will be preserved by not allowing the RH Law to reign.

The newly-organized, Cebu Pro-Life Alliance, also welcomed the extension.

Pro-life advocates consider the court decision as temporary victory.

Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer, chairman of the alliance, however said that with the 8-7 decision, there is still something to be worried about.

"Thus we have to make sure that during the next oral argument at the Supreme Court on July 23, our anti-RH camp must make sure to have a more extensive and more convincing presentation necessary to make the 15-members of the Highest Court decide for the junking of the most controversial and divisive R.A. 10354 or RH Law," said Bullecer.

The RH Law was signed into law by President Benigno Aquino III in December 21 last year. The implementation was halted by virtue of the temporary restraining order issued by the court last March.

The high tribunal is set to resume its oral arguments on July 23 at 2 p.m. —(FREEMAN)

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