Cops pulled out from Capitol

CEBU, Philippines - More than two months after the tension in the Provincial Capitol started, the team of policemen that have been securing the vicinity of the building formally pulled out yesterday.

This was after acting Governor Agnes Magpale sent a request to the Regional Public Safety Battalion-7 team to pull out all PNP personnel assigned in the Capitol compound.

In her letter addressed to Police Supt. Leopoldo Cabanag, battalion commander for RPSB-7, Magpale thanked the policemen deployed in the Capitol for making sure that no damage, violence and injury were done during the “tense period of political transition.”

“We appreciate and thank the PNP personnel under your able leadership and responsible command, for ensuring and securing the seat of the provincial government and all those who were doing official business at the Capitol offices and premises,” said Magpale.

She added that the PNP can now pull out from the Capitol seeing that the tense scenario has simmered down.

“We believe the Capitol’s own CSU personnel and hired blue guards can now very well take care of the peace and order situation of our offices and premises,” she said, referring to the Civil Security Unit.

Around 38 police personnel were assigned in the Provincial Capitol since last December 19, when a six-month suspension order was handed down to Governor Gwendolyn Garcia.

Garcia refused to step down calling the suspension order illegal.

Cabanag, in an interview with The FREEMAN, said that while they were glad to have helped secure the peace and order in the Capitol, he said that they will be focusing now on their deployments for the upcoming election.

Cabanag said that plans are underway on where to deploy their men in the province but this may change once areas to be placed under the Commission on Elections watchlist are identified.

Comelec met with the PNP and the Armed Forces of the Philippines yesterday to discuss deployment concerns and the areas in the province that need to be monitored.

Effective yesterday, the provincial CSU has taken over full security of the provincial capitol as ordered by Magpale.

In her letter to Valentino Cruz, head of CSU, Magpale ordered him to assume full responsibility of the overall safety of the capitol offices and premises.

“You shall take charge of the assignment of all CSU personnel and the blue guards to strategic areas within the Capitol compound, to ensure the security and safety of our offices and properties as well as the convenience and comfort of all persons concerned.”  —/BRP (FREEMAN)

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