Consolacion Police Station best in anti-drug campaign in entire province

CEBU, Philippines - The Consolacion Police Station bested 49 other police stations in the Province of Cebu in the fight against illegal drugs in 2012.

It had conducted 38 operations, arrested 47 persons and filed 36 cases.

Danao City Police Station is next with 37 operations, 37 persons arrested, and 32 cases filed while the Provincial Intelligence Branch came in third with 25 operations conducted, 29 persons arrested, and 25 cases filed.

Other top performing police stations are Balamban Police Station (24 operations, 19 arrests, 20 cases filed); Toledo City Police Station (24 operations, 28 arrests, 24 cases filed); Dalaguete Police Station (21 operations, 21 arrests, 19 cases filed); Argao Police Station (18 operations, 21 arrests, 18 cases filed); Carcar City Police Station (18 operations, 20 arrests, 18 cases filed); Talisay City Police Station (16 operations, 19 arrests, 14 cases filed) and Borbon Police Station (14 operations, 13 arrests, 12 cases filed).

The Cebu Provincial Police Office (CCPO) has conducted a total of 427 operations in 2012 with 490 persons arrested and 405 cases filed.

CCPO was able to confiscate P6.22 million worth of dangerous drugs in 2012.

In 2011, CCPO was able to conduct 438 operations with 520 persons arrested, 397 cases filed and P9.7 million worth of drugs confiscated.

Cebu Provincial Police Office director Patrocinio Comendador said the figures showed that they are serious in their fight against illegal drugs although he admitted that he is not satisfied with the performance.

“For me, the P6.2 million worth of drugs is still not enough.  It is still high.  We still need to intensify our operation,” Comendador said.

Comendador admitted they have lesser operations in October, November and December due to the successive operations against illegal gambling.

“We had fewer operations against illegal drugs during these months because we focused on illegal gambling, which was upon the directive of the higher headquarters,” he said in a phone interview.

Comendador is hopeful that there will lesser crimes involving illegal drugs this year as compared to the figures in 2012. —/MBG (FREEMAN)



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