Cebu City gets another offer for garbage disposal

CEBU, Philippines -  Another private company offered to take care of Cebu City’s waste to unburden the city government from travelling miles north to dump its garbage.

Bio Nutrient Waste Management Inc., a Cebu-based company, offered to process the garbage generated by the markets in Cebu City at P700 per ton tipping fee.

Ma. Emma Ramas, Business Development Manager, said they are willing to process at least 50 tons of market waste per day.

“We operate a composting facility adjacent to Inayawan Landfill applying the aerobic system of breaking down biodegradables. We started as a home composting facility serving a small community. We have expanded our operations and moved our facility to Inayawan a few months ago,” Ramas said in a letter to the city government.

She said they are presently working with the Cebu Solid Waste Management, Inc. which supplies them with biodegradable waste they process every day.

The city government generates 60 percent or about 240 tons of biodegradable waste. The main contributors are households and markets.

“If Cebu City will allow us to process its market waste, we will make the necessary investments to allow us to properly work in the biodegradable waste,” Ramas said.

She added they are willing to buy more shredders, compost turners and chippers as well as build more infrastructure.

Several proposals have reached the city government for its waste management.

Cebu City has been diverting its garbage to Consolacion, a private landfill, after the Inayawan Landfill was closed for dumping.

The city diverts about 250 tons daily of garbage paid at P700 per ton. —MIT (FREEMAN)

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