San Francisco, Camotes: PB defers approval of ban on plastic bags

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Provincial Board has put on hold the approval of the ordinance of San Francisco, Camotes Island, banning plastics bags.

The PB approved the recommendation of the committee on environment and natural resources headed by Board Member Thadeo Ouano to put on hold the approval of the said ordinance.

Ouano said that the ordinance is deserving of praise as it promotes and protects the basic policy and mandates provided by the Solid Waste Management Act.

“The intention to adopt measures for a livable human habitat is greatly respected,” Ouano said.

Ouano said that the tenor of the ordinance is bent on the total phase out of plastic use rather than regulate it.

He said that banning plastics in food service providers or caterers would spark a debate pertaining to its viability and feasibility.

Instead, Ouano referred the legality of the said ordinance to the PB committee on laws and ordinances for purposes of clarity and objectivity.

The Municipality of San Francisco in Camotes approved the ordinance banning the sale and use of plastic bags, cellophanes and disposable food service wares made of polystyrene by commercial establishments.

The municipality of San Francisco in Camotes Island, Cebu was awarded the prestigious 2011 United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva on May 14.

In receiving the award, Vice Mayor Alfredo Arquillano stated that he was honored but at the same time, humbled by the accolade.

He explained that the town’s “purok system” has propelled it to become resilient, utilizing indigenous knowledge to disseminate critical information and risk assessment, waste segregation, delivery of health services, and related activities at the household level.

He added that he will continue to mobilize the people of his town, as well as neighboring communities, to further improve their resiliency against disasters.

The UN Sasakawa Award recognizes excellence in reducing disaster risk. Winners are selected among numerous nominees from around the world through an intensive judging process. —/MIT (FREEMAN)

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