Gemstones meanings and uses

CEBU, Philippines – Gemstones exert an immense influence on the life of every human being. Of course, they give brilliant accents to jewelry. But more – because of their ‘very strong vibration,’ stones, in effect, act like radio transmitters sending off messages and influences for good or for bad all the time.

Diamond – renders one immune to poisons and madness, and cures most illnesses.

Emerald – cures eye afflictions, and wards off the evil eye.

Ruby – protects the wearer from all kinds of infectious disease. (A case is known where a person suffering from cancer of the intestine recovered after swallowing a ruby which was, in the course of nature, recovered, cleaned and swallowed again.)

Green Jade – cures dropsy and afflictions related to the urinary system.

Amethyst – makes one tranquil. This stone’s molecular vibration oscillates at a frequency which ‘heterodynes’ (causes interference or fluctuations) with belligerent vibrations in a person, causing him to slow down and become tranquil.

Beryl – helps in digestion.

Amber – in powder form and mixed with honey and a little water, is said to cure constipation. A lady looking for a husband is to wear a piece of amber shaped as a phallus to attract a man with the right desire for her.

Turquoise – a stone sacred to Buddhist belief, a particularly fortunate stone which is also extremely good for improving health.

Chalcedony – when taken orally in powdered form, helps pass gallstones. The chalcedony powder caused dilation of the gall bladder and all passages connected thereof.

Sapphire and Lapiz Lazuli – sacred stones used in the performance of the Higher Mysteries, considered sacred by the virtue of their extraordinary beauty.

Crystal. A piece of flawless crystal increases the power of clairvoyance of a person gifted with the ability. The crystal has a vibration compatible with that of the third eye. Priests in bygone ages in the Far East would go out on search parties to look for a lump of crystal. They would carefully chip off rough edges, and through years and years would care the piece of rock into a spherical shape. Then, generation after generation of priests would polish the crystal by using finer and finer sand and water, the sand being embedded in soft leather. Finally the crystal would be ready for religious use – to see the future, to see the will of the gods.

Garnet – protects the wearer from skin diseases and danger, and gives him or her constancy in love. It has to be worn over the heart right on the skin.

Agate – drives away spiders and scorpions. Agate radiates a vibration which gives a man self-confidence, giving him victory over his enemies and success with his lady friends. Hung around the neck and over the breast bone, it increases a person’s intelligence and prevents fevers and madness.  —  from The Pocket Book (A Little of Everything) By C.S. Canonigo (CKC Publications)

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