The Longest Funeral

Behind the fence of the town plaza was a group of friends watching the funeral march of Mayor Belisario’s mom.

“What a loooong march!” Juan and Isabelo exclaimed.

“Longer than our Foundation Day parade,” Teo added, getting bored.

“ES-WES!” roared a voice behind them.

“Apo Mayor!” they chorused, seeing the town’s oldest man, all in white – hair, beard and outfit – seated on a bench. Although he was no longer the Mayor for years and years now, he remained a Mayor in people’s hearts.

“Mrs. B was well-loved,” Apo Mayor explained. “Such a helpful woman of God, Eswes!”

The boys circled and listened to the old man whom everyone – including the real mayor, Mayor Belisario – respected.

“She was always the first – the first to visit a sick neighbor, help calamity victims, and cheer up friends whose loved ones had died.”

“Now that she’s dead… everyone’s sad…” Teo felt sad, too.

“Well,” Apo Mayor replied, “let’s not be sad too long…”

“Why not?” the boys wondered.

“Mrs. B is now with God. Let’s celebrate.”

“Celebrate?” they asked, thinking of birthday parties.

“To celebrate means to be grateful to God. Just as we celebrate birthdays, we must also celebrate people’s lives when they die, to thank God for sharing them with us!”

“Aaaah!” they nodded.

“Es-wes!” Apo Mayor said and disappeared.



Lord Jesus, please comfort those who are grieving over the loss of a loved one. Amen.


Memory verse:

“It is better to have respect than good perfume, the day a person dies is better than the day he was born.”  Ecclesiastes 7:1


“Quiet Time with Mateo – 52 Weekly Devotions for Children” is published by OMF Literature, Inc. and available at leading bookstores.

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