Just Asking

CEBU, Philippines - This article's title is actually the last sentence or phrase of Mr. Lowel James D. Anacio's write- up entitled "Dr. Jose P. Rizal in the Book 'I Laugh Only'" (please see the June 26 issue of The Freeman, p.17). Before answering his question, I would like to call the attention of the readers to the second to the last paragraph, p. 108 of said book where there is the phrase "the fatherland's fair hope," reminiscent of Rizal's poem, "A la juventud Filipina" (To The Filipino Youth).


To the question whether I am the reincarnation of our national hero, there are similarities between the two of us. However, I would like to give a negative answer since I am a Roman Catholic and my religion no longer accepts the doctrine of reincarnation.

Prior to the distinction between the Catholics and the Protestants, all who accepted Jesus Christ as true God and true man were called "Christians." The Christian Church used to accept the doctrine of reincarnation. However, since this doctrine is not an effective deterrent from committing sin nor an incentive to practice virtue, it was replaced by the doctrine on heaven if one is good enough, hell if one is bad enough, purgatory if one is neither good enough for heaven nor bad enough for hell.

Then came an Augustinian priest, the German Martin Luther, who protested against the doctrine of purgatory because priests at that time were preaching about indulgences: "If you contribute towards the construction of the biggest church, the Basilica of St. Peter's in Rome, your stay in purgatory will be shortened, the length corresponding to the amount of your contribution."

Is the doctrine on purgatory not perhaps used by some priests nowadays to enrich themselves? Just asking.  (FREEMAN)

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