Taguig students learn life skills through KAC

CEBU, Philippines - As part of its program to develop action-oriented citizens, 30 students and five teachers from The Beacon School, an IB World School located in Taguig City, underwent a five-day Adventure Education Program composed of Urban Backpacking and Service Learning Program in Barangay Nailon, Bogo, Cebu recently facilitated by Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. - Kool Adventure Camp (RAFI-KAC).

"In Kool Adventure Camp, I learned that some things that others don't value may mean the world to another. It taught me how to be brave and not to stick to my limits. I learned life skills," shared Emee, one of the participants during the program.

Mind setting, safety briefing, assignment of leadership roles and expedition preparations took place during the first day of the program.

On the second and third program days, participants went to Barangay Nailon for the service learning program proper. Students and teachers reached out to the local pupils of Nailon Day Care Center through feeding, area cleaning, and story telling. Participants also learned to set up their own tents.

Tree planting and storytelling with the students of Nailon Elementary School wrapped up the third day of the program.

The KAC service learning program aims to develop the participants' awareness of the importance of serving the community, learning the spirit of youth volunteerism and active citizenship, and having a deeper appreciation  of the environment around you.  The objective is for participants to become empowered advocates of environmental protection and conservation.

"I truly felt that the service learning was most helpful because it helped me understand how fortunate I am to do what I do every day," shared Maxwell, another participant of the program.

The fourth day was the urban backpacking challenge of the participants, where they located and familiarized themselves with the significant heritage sites and landmarks of Cebu City. Although unfamiliar of Cebu, they were able to navigate on their own and arrive at their identified locations using the maps given to them. (FREEMAN)

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