Summer Downsides

CEBU, Philippines - With the heat of the sun and the dust everywhere, it's clear that summer is not yet over.

And the usual summer ailments are still here, too. More and more people are getting ill. It may seem that there's no escaping these summer downsides. But the truth is, there are ways to keep away from summer diseases.

It only takes some awareness and precaution to remain well and safe amid the sweltering summer heat. The top 3 most common diseases are:

Sore eyes

This is the one most common infection during summer. It is also called viral conjunctivitis. The cause is viral or bacterial infections, and sometimes allergies. Irritation from excessive eye rubbing, from smoke, from exposure to chemicals, and even excessive exposure to computer or television radiation can lead to sore eyes.

The infection affects the outer lining of the eyeball and the inner lining of the eyelid, giving that feeling of discomfort in the eyes. Symptoms of sore eyes include eye pain, redness, itchiness and excessive tearing.

Sore eyes are contagious and spread very quickly. Proper hygiene is yet the most effective way to avoid the infection - by washing the hands frequently before touching the area around the eyes, or by keeping the eyes protected from pollutants with the use of sunglasses. Sharing personal items like towels, handkerchief, cosmetics and others with those already infected should be avoided.

Those who are already infected must consult a doctor immediately. It is not advisable to play expert and self-medicate. It might just make the infection worse.

Prickly heat

Another skin disease very common during summer is the prickly heat or the miliara rubra. These itchy small red rashes cause stingy and prickly feeling on the skin. These are brought about by excessive heat. Rashes usually develop on the back, abdomen, neck, and armpits, and usually appear after a few days of exposure of hot weather.

Prickly heat occurs when a person sweats more and the body's sweat glands get trapped beneath the skin. Irritation results and becomes a rash. Thus, prickly heat can be avoided by keeping away from activities that causes intense sweating. Keeping the body cool by taking a cool shower frequently, as well as fanning and wearing loose clothes can help in precluding the occurrence of the rash. 

Prickly heat eventually disappears on its own, as soon as the ambient temperatures come down, it may recur with the return of the hot days. Regularly taking a bath and keeping the body cool is the best protection.

Heat stroke

This is a very serious condition caused by long exposure to hot weather, especially when coupled with dehydration. Heat stroke happens when the body temperature rises drastically, and it can be fatal especially if not immediately treated. Some indications of heat stroke are: difficulty in breathing, rapid pulse, high body temperature and strange behavior.

Heat stroke can be avoided by Keeping away from the sun during the hottest hours of the day (11a.m. - 3p.m.) is good precaution from heat stroke. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps, but caffeinated and alcoholic drinks shall be avoided.

A heat stroke victim shall be brought immediately to the nearest hospital. While waiting for an ambulance, proper first aid shall be applied. The victim shall be moved to a cool area with good ventilation. Giving him with cool water shower helps too.

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