Summer art school for kids

CEBU, Philippines - Instead of going to the beach or trying out new games on the computer, kids made are making use of their summer break to learn new things. And they find it to be just as fun. Maybe even better, because their new learning can start lifetime skills in them.

At SM City Cebu's Summer Art School, kids enjoy the Beginners Arts and Crafts, where they get good mentoring on their particular creative interests. They learn the fundamentals of visual arts in the course Essential Drawing and Painting, where they are taught to look at objects from an artist's point of view, and translate these visually in their own unique interpretation, using a variety of media: graphite, charcoal, watercolor, collage, and mixed-media.

Those enrolled in the Advanced Drawing and Painting are introduced to professional techniques in drawings and paintings, from the simple to the complex. They learn freehand drawing, composition, shading, and color-mixing. The course focuses on watercolor painting and oil painting as expressive forms of creativity.

Aspiring writers join in the Creative Writing workshop, while those interested in acting are in the Basic Dramatic Theatre Arts course. The courses are ongoing. Commencement Activity and Art Exhibit are scheduled for May 20. (FREEMAN)

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