Flying Star Feng Shui for the Greenest Horse in 2014!

Every year the flow of "yin" or negative life energies as well as positive ones changes in a constant cycle.


That's why a yearly feng shui maintenance is necessary, like a person's annual physical check up or Pap smear for ladies. The objective of feng shui maintenance is to navigate your luck energies for the year and enhancing them, while reducing or defending against negative energies like you do in a disaster preparedness program!


This year, one must beware of the four "yin" or negative "chi" directions, namely the Southeast, East, Northeast and Northwest. There's bad luck lurking in these sections of a home or office.


This year, East attracts the bad winds of illness and contaminations. Southeast brings disharmony and discord, even leading to legal problems. Northeast is the potential gateway for violent crimes, especially robbery in any place inhabited or dominated by humans, including mausoleums! Northwest bears the omen of misfortune and mishaps, endangering both the father of the house and loss of support all the way "from City Hall to Malacanang," so to speak, for business CEOs or COOs (who stand as the fathers to their respective institutions).


Overall, compared to threat of bad health and being seduced into illicit romantic affairs which afflicted mothers of the house and institutions last year, fathers should beware this year! Yes, even the parish priests, being the fathers of their parish communities, and all the way to the Holy Father, the Pope.


So much so for bad news, as Senator Bongbong Marcos would smilingly quip.


Now for the good news and what directions bring luck to a home or office this greenest year of the horse -


Three directions bring the maximum luck: West, Southwest and South. South brings added bonus of fame, apart from good fortune! Mothers will be extra lucky this year as good tidings come their way, materially, physically and spiritually.


South is best for new job aspirants like graduates embarking on new careers. Putting a turtle lucky charm figurine north facing south in one's living room or office will invite promotions and fast-track recognition and achievements.


North of a property or place signifies progress. But one should guard against falling into financial worries and difficulties. Never borrow money if you belong to the group of unlucky zodiac signs like monkey, horse, rat, rabbit, dog, and dragon.


Center is the heart of the owner and occupants of a place, representing their love life and health. Luck blows in for the lucky zodiac signs of tiger, pig, snake, rooster and sheep. But beware of seductive illicit affairs that can tempt one to run away from family responsibilities like a horse! So wives should take care of their husbands to avoid being replaced! How to do this? Never henpeck your husband this year. Enter into a new dimension of home business: "agree" business! Always agree with him no matter what.


In feng shui it holds true that if your husband sleeps to the wife's right, she is the boss and he becomes "ander de saya" or henpecked. A practical cure this year that yours truly humorously but seriously recommends is in the couple's intimate moments of conjugal love - for the wife to always remove the "saya," meaning not to forget to undress!


To navigate good luck and bad luck, do not fall for the "budol-budol" multilevel-marketing scheme feng shui for this has a catch 22 or booby traps to further hold you captive in a never ending cycle of buying luck charm enhancers or reducers. Remember that true feng shui is not a world of industrial lucky charms, but rather it is the science of cultivating your life energies in balanced yin-yang fashion in a non commercial way. For getting lucky and rich, your best lucky charm is yourself! The earth's greatest treasure lies in your human personality, so please be guided accordingly.


As a public service, on the particulars of what to do as regards the foregoing tips, like: "Feng Shui University of the Philippines" on Facebook, and send a personal message to the author for free guidance online!

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