Art Speak

ArtSpeak 2013 - a celebration of functional beauty and form - kicked off with the ArtSpeak Couture Fashion Show last October 4 at the Activity Center of Ayala Center Cebu, followed by the week-long run of the ArtSpeak 2013 art exhibition from October 5 to 13 in the Paseo Marina in the mall.


Raising the established norms of fusion, creativity and beauty a notch higher, the event was spearheaded by The FREEMAN Lifestyle with the support of the Ayala Center Cebu, mirroring your favorite section's goals in further reaching out to the Cebuano community by bringing the key movers of Cebu's fashion design and visual arts scene together, effortlessly yielding to a truly outstanding creative explosion.


In ArtSpeak 2013, the creations of Cebuano designers Barbie Alvez, Albert Arriba, Myrna Cebrecus, Ren Manabat, William Manahan, Protacio, Wendell Quisido, Yvonne Quisumbing, Ditas Rodriguez, Rey Santos, Philipp Tampus and Marichu Tan shared the spotlight with the latest masterworks crafted by visual artists Gabriel Abellana, Darby Vincent Alcoseba, Cesar Castillo, John Dinglasa, Fred Galan, Jorge Lao, Renulo Pautan, Palmy Pe-Tudtud, Celso Pepito, Lucilo Sagayno, Javy Villacin and Jose "Kimsoy" Yap.


Heralding all the charismas and appeals which have long defined outstanding art pieces and couture creations from the rest, ArtSpeak 2013 is the second event of its class organized by The FREEMAN Lifestyle, with a book launching of The Female Heart and Other Plays and Canto Voice - collectively known as the launching of the Faigao Books - being the first, held in June this year at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino.  (Photos by Reynan Villena and Aldo Nelbert Banayanal)






Cory Aquino and her gift for giving


"Where did she find the time?"


That's what I asked myself as I went around the Lobby Lounge of Manila Hotel, where "A Gift of Self", an art exhibit featuring more than 80 paintings by the late President Cory Aquino. That number may already seem a lot, but I was informed that this is far, far from the complete tally of her works. What was the secret to her productive creativity? I would have loved to know the answer.


The event was held to mark a milestone of the country's beloved icon of democracy. No surprise then that "A Gift of Self" was open to the public, free of charge. Manila Hotel and Adamson University organized the exhibit, under the supervision of Aquino's dear friend Deedee Siytangco, who served as her spokesperson and Press Undersecretary.

That Aquino was into painting might be news to some, but it's a pursuit that she took up right even before her presidency. After her term ended in 1992, she resumed her hobby and, together with a small group of friends, signed up for painting lessons with artist Jeffrey Consumo.

Consumo, who conducted classes with Aquino from 1996 to 1998, beamed with pride as he looked at the pieces done by his most illustrious student. "She was a diligent, prolific student who never missed weekly classes," he says.

A quick look at the paintings and a common theme emerges: flowers. Many of Aquino's works depict different kinds of flowers in a variety of vases. Some are clusters of flowers in a garden setting. Others have flowers amid or strewn amid rosaries or crosses. Other subjects Aquino liked to paint include trees and shrubs and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Aquino preferred to work with oil paints on canvas, but she didn't limit herself to those materials. She also used acrylic colors and painted on bags, wooden trays, and paper fans, as well as rocks and stones. In addition, she also liked to do cross-stitch embroidery with colorful, intricate designs.

Some might wonder, "Where can we buy an authentic Cory Aquino art work?" Unfortunately, that's not possible. Her paintings were never sold. In fact, they were mostly given as gifts – it was her way of expressing her appreciation or regard for to those who meant the world to her. Sometimes, Aquino would also donate her pieces to be auctioned off at fundraisers for charitable causes.

The art works at the exhibit were lent by the "blessed ones", such as Metrobank founder George S.K. Ty and wife Mary, who shared around 30 pieces; Speaker of the House of Representatives Sonny Belmonte and his late wife, Betty, who was a co-founder of The Philippine STAR; STAR President and CEO Miguel Belmonte and wife Millette, Howard Q. Dee, former Philippine ambassador to the Holy See and Malta; Margarita Juico, chairperson of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO); Paquito Ochoa, Executive Secretary to the current Aquino in Malacañang-President Benigno Aquino III. 

The idea for the project was proposed while Aquino was still alive, but she didn't want to showcase her paintings. "She didn't have confidence in her works," explains Siytangco. That may have been so, but the affection of her most loyal friends and supporters more than makes up for that. How can it be otherwise when, to paraphrase the exhibit title, Aquino had the gift for giving of herself?


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