Eyewatch: Banilad Center Graduation 2013

CEBU, Philippines - The Banilad Center for Professional Development, located along Archbishop Reyes Ave., held a graduation ceremony for its Summer Classes graduates this year.  Short-course trainings on Basic Baking, Basic Cooking and Basic Housekeeping took place in April up to May 3. PCPD, a non-profit NGO, aims to train “women committed to service and human development.” Its main objective is poverty alleviation among poor families by providing their young daughters some technical and vocational skills that may enable these women to undertake income-generating endeavors or attain gainful employment.

One of the mainstay partners of PCPD is the Georich Livelihood & Learning Foundation, Inc., headed by the indefatigable philanthropist and mover Mrs. Felisa Yap-Chiongbian.  Other civic organizations tapped by Mrs. Chiongbian to be partners are the Zonta Club 1 of Cebu, headed by Pres. Lucille Colina;  the Corban Group, represented by Annabelle Ang; Zonta 2, represented by Anita Velez and Elena Young.  Other donors include Geltech Hayco Corporation of Mrs. Beling Lim-Gochinghai, represented by her daughter Nellie G. Chiu, Handuraw, KMP Foods, Sr. Juliet of Bonita Homes, Susan Torres, Lou Aldeguer, Marlinda Angbetic Tan and Ms. Rosebud Sala who sponsored scholars and/or gave food for the graduation merienda cena.

The GLLFI trustees are: George T. Chionbian III, Felisa Y. Chiongbian, Remedios K. Chew, Atty. Merlie P. Cunanan, Rebecca P. Smith, Charles Francis T. Chiongbian, John Paul T. Chiongbian, Georgia Felice C. Rama, Kim C. Tan and Felipe O. Casing; with Board Secretary Marlinda A. Tan, legal counsel/Corporate Secretary Atty. Alan C. Trinidad and legal counsel Atty. Jose Jumang-it.

Zontians who attended the graduation were: Anita Sanchez, Tina Ebrada, Stella Bernabe, Tess Chan, Lucy Segura, Nellie Chiu, Anita Velez, Elena Chiongbian-Young & Linda Binghay.

Scholarship donors who were present include Mrs. Rosebud Sala and Nenita Chiongbian. (MAT) (FREEMAN)

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