Appropriate toys for your kids

 Toddlers 18-24 months old become more excited about independence, but are constantly reminded of their own limits. So while a toddler insists on doing something “myself!” one moment, the next might find her turning to you for help.

 During this period, toddlers learn what they can do by getting their hands onto everything. They fiddle with knobs, open and shut doors, flip light switches on and off—it is enough to drive any parent nuts. Toys with interlocking parts, such as pop-up and sorting toys, create endless opportunities for your children to explore and push their limits, while keeping them away from the light switch.

 Below are some toys that will help you manage your child’s curiosity at these ages:

 Toys to play house. Children will get a kick out of play eating and drinking, so a little tea set with cups and plates is sure to be a hit. Give them a chance to do one of the things they love best—mimic what they see adults around them do and organize their world to their own satisfaction.

 Large and small blocks. Working with blocks lets toddlers build their handling skills by grabbing, stacking, and sorting. Large cardboard bricks easily become toddler-size forts and hiding spaces. Small wooden ones can be sorted and organized into any number of original designs.

 Toy instruments. Children generally love music and the chance to create their own sound, no matter how dissonant. Give them a toy guitar to strum or a keyboard to bang on and they will treat you to many original compositions.

 Puzzles. Puzzles are a good way to give children little victories. The simple satisfaction of putting something exactly in place is a marvelous thing. Choose puzzles that have very few pieces and are made of thick, easy-to-manipulate blocks of wood.

 Illustrated books and CDs. Recorded stories are no substitute for reading to your child, but many toddlers enjoy the novelty of hearing a voice come out of a machine and can appreciate that the voice is new and different. The regular patter of nursery rhymes is particularly pleasing to a toddler’s ear.

 Train sets. Toddlers can use their new dexterity to link the cars and run the whole train around the house. They will love seeing how it can take corners and feeling the difference between running it over a carpet and across a bare floor.

 Balls. Give children balls to kick, roll, and throw. Have them take a few minutes to practice kicking the ball back and forth. When they get good at it, encourage them to try to run and kick. It is great for developing coordination and is lots of fun, too!

Washable crayons and paper. Children are becoming more interested in making their own mark—on floors, walls, furniture. Clear a space for them to work, give them a big sheet of paper (tape it to the table) and a couple of crayons. They will soon get the idea that art has its place. Hang up whatever they make for you.  (Source: http:age-appropriate toys.BabyCenter.mht)



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