MCCs PE event

Mandaue City College, located at the Mandaue Sports and Cultural Complex, had its semestral Physical Education  culminating activity with a blast last October 17. Its 11 PE classes coming from different levels (PE 1, PE 2, PE 3) either participated in the sports tournament or performed dance aerobics, cultural or modern pop dances.

Aerobics dance workout is an activity that improves cardio-vascular circulation, muscular stength, power, flexibility and coordination. This is a better option for a classroom activity than vigorous isotonic or isometric exercises.

Values formation and strenuous yet worthwhile experiences filled the weekend schedules of some six hundred students as they trained and prepared for their routines for the said event. This culminating activity spearheaded by the Physical Education office under the chairmanship of this writer is MCC's first.

Special thanks to College Administrator Dr. Theresa H. Inot, Assistant College Administrator for Administration Mr. John Paul dela Serna, College of Arts and Sciences Dean Mr. Reynaldo Villanueva, Ms. Dorren Fevag and the PE studentry for the support.

CTUs Triangular Meet dansport champs

Held last October 16,, the Cebu Technological University triangular meet sought two pairs of winners who vied in the Modern Standard and Latin Category. CTU Main Campus won over CTU North and CTU South Cells. Winners will compete this December 5, 2012 in the same categories during the State Colleges and Universities Athletics Association (SCUAA) athletic meet in Bohol. Kudos to the winners especially to Dr. Elizabeth Requilme, CTU Main campus dansport coach.

Carolinian Festival

The University of San Carlos BED (Basic Education Department) - South Campus successfully celebrated its Foundation Week last October 22 to 27 with the theme "Glocalized Education. Owning our Challenges. We Treasure. We Celebrate. We Witness". President Dionisio M. Miranda, SVD, STD, reiterated the importance of reinventing their futures with special emphasis on the K to 12 program for the BED,, demand-driven graduate programs and owning these challenges that shed the light of echoing Jesus in the process.

The selection of Muses and Escorts, Pop Jazz presentation, athletics tournament and Regional festival dances were some of the highlights of the said event.

COOPs Got Talent Contest

The Cebu City Cooperative Development Council held its COOP Got Talent Competition at the Elizabeth Hotel last October 29. Member cooperatives like the Bayanihan Multi-Purpose Coop (MPC), Teleton Entrepreneurs Coop, Warwick Barracks Vendors MPC, Guadalupe Community MPC, VECO Employees MPC, MCWD Employees MPC, Barangay MPC, Mamac MPC, CCMC Employees MPC and CEMVEDCO were well-represented with their own talents. Substance over funny antics and gimmickry of sorts bested eight other contestants. Alan Alvaro for Warwick Barracks MPC (stand-up comedy), Jonah Faelnar and Marino Garcia of USC Employees MPC (creative dance/ballroom) and Gisel Tama of Lamac MPC (vocal rendition) topped the ranks respectively, the latter winning the plum prize of ten thousand pesos. Contestants were judged according to performance, stage presence and audience impact.

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