Why Sandra Bullock is anti-selfie

CEBU, Philippines – “Our Brand is Crisis” actress Sandra Bullock opened up about why she can’t stand the trendy up close and personal self-portraits.

“I hate taking selfies,” the 51-year-old revealed in an interview with U.K.’s The Times. “I will not take a selfie that I can’t erase. I don’t post or do any of that stuff.”

Bullock says that the main reason behind her frustration is that the images are unrealistic.

“We’re not representing our lives truthfully,” she explained. “Like when you’re yelling at your child, you’re not taking a selfie of you being a horrible parent.”

“No, you’re waiting for the perfect selfie,” she continued. “‘Do I look thinner now?’ ‘Do I look great?’ It’s this false projection of one’s life. Hollywood has now gone global. Everyone’s Hollywood now.”

Seeing as she’s now a mm of two adopted kids, it’s understandable why she chooses to opt out of social media.

“People have these worlds they post and it’s about projecting an image and getting likes,” she continued. “I read a great article about how there’s a higher rate of depression because people are looking at everyone else’s Facebook and seeing this picture-perfect life. I think it’s frightening for kids and young people developing who they are to have that false sense of acceptance based on an image. How do you unravel that when it’s being pushed hard?”

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