CIS and Pro Vision bring Christmas cheer to kids

CEBU, Philippines - Christmas may still be on the 25th yet  but already 120 little hearts were warmed and blessed with early yuletide presents this year.

Cebu International School’s (CIS) Tree of Giving activity, which is spearheaded by the juniors and seniors, was held just recently and delighted children aged eight to twelve years old from different areas in Cebu.

This annual event is already on its 6th year and this year it is held in partnership with the Pro Vision Kids Ministry. Started in 2008 with the Australian-based Cebu Missionary Foundation, the gift-giving activity is part of the Creative Action Service (CAS) of the juniors and seniors of the school.

The Pro Vision Kids Ministry is a branch of International Gospel Center (ICG) headed by Nancy Leuckhof and her husband, who are field directors of the foundation based in Adelaide, California. They help kids out following the principle with the acronym FINE, which means Feeding bodies, Inspiring souls, Nurturing hearts, Educating Minds.

Leuckhof said that while it had been difficult to pick out their beneficiaries because there are just too many kids that need help, they picked out three sites that are closest to each other and had not been part of any special activity in the recent months. They identified 40 kids each from the Inayawan dumpsite, Pier 4 and the Chinese Cemetery.

Although this is the first time that CIS partnered with Pro Vision, School Superintent Tony Harduar said they are staying true to how the gift-giving was started six years ago. He said this is because they want it to continue and develop even more in the coming years.

Twelfth grader Justine, who is the secretary of the CIS student council (SC), shared that what they are doing is a good thing because they are “letting the kids experience how it feels like to be here, to make them feel that there are people who care for them.” She said what they are doing is all about consistency and maintaining a good relationship with the community.

“We are passing this on to the juniors so they will see how to sustain and improve the relationship,” Justine added.  

SC Vice President Gabby, who is in 11th grade, said, “It is a blessing to give back, to show them how we care and experience the spirit of Christmas.”

The students gather the gifts that start coming in as early as October, wrap them and label them according to age and gender. The parents of the students in all grade levels actually look forward to the gift-giving every year and give out new toys, clothes and school supplies to the kids. 

Held on a weekend, the activity was just an informal half-day affair that started with a simple welcome message from the school superintendent and proceeded with the playing of games, a simple meal of Filipino foods and the gift-giving itself.  The kids were divided into four groups of thirty and they played kickball, Frisbee as well as parlor games such as Musical Chairs and The Boat is Sinking with the student volunteers. 

Aside from the Tree of Giving activity every year, Justine and Gabby said they also hold feeding and evacuation programs, which they raise funds for through bake sales and caroling. They are also in the process of gathering relief goods and sending them to evacuation centers.

School Superintendent Harduar said they are doing a whole lot right now like providing relief in Bogo, Medellin, San Remigio, Malapascua, where they initially sent 3,000 food bags. He said they have also identified a school in Remigio, which they will help rebuild.

CIS also adopted schools in Binaliw, Agsungot and Pit-os, which they help out by sending books and school supplies for the kids. The students also go to different shelters and centers in Cebu City where they tell stories and teach English as well as computer technology.  (FREEMAN)


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