SHS-Ateneo de Cebu Christmas fair today

CEBU, Philippines -  The Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu will hold its annual Christmas Fair today, November 25, at the campus grounds in Canduman, Mandaue City.

This year’s theme is “Persons for Others, Heroes for Christ.”

The fair is the annual activity of the school and its community that seeks to raise funds for the benefit of the surrounding communities and various institutions. Last year’s fair raised funds that reached over 1,000 families and 15 institutions. 

The fair will feature a series of cultural presentations featuring guest performers in the multi-awarded Mandaue Children and Youth Choir in concert. Other presentations will include the “Gonz for Earth” performance of the SHS-AdC delegation that performed in the event in Indonesia recently.

Also on tap are the “Back to Manger Concert 2,” and the Hearter Glee’s “The First Christmas.” The Ateneo de Cebu Dance troupe and Blue Dance Crew will also perform before the school-wide audience of an estimated 4,000 people composed of students, their families and guests, and the school staff. 

The fair will also feature the traditional fun booths composed of games, music, rides, bazaar and other surprises. Food booths will also be strategically spread out to cater to the whole community.

The day will start with a Holy Mass at 7:45 a.m. The Opening Program kicks off at 9:00 am, while the game booths open at 10:00 am. The Back to the Manger Concert 2 will be at 10:30 am at the school theater. The concert of the Mandaue Children and Youth Choir will take place at 2:00 pm, while the Hearter Glee’s “The First Christmas” will be at 3:30 pm at the school theater. (FREEMAN)

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