Campos, Managuelod rule Turtle Run

MANILA, Philippines — Daniel Tomas Campos set a record of 20:07 for the 5k Men’s Open while Pearl Anne Managuelod finished the Women’s 5k at 28:32 in the 9th Annual Turtle Run at Punta Fuego.

Patrick Maxwell topped the 3k intermediate run in 12:25 while Bea Roque ruled the distaff side in 19:22 in this fund-raiser for the benefit of Punta Fuego Foundation’s Save the Oceans Environmental Program

Other winners included Jielo Filler (10:26) and Lorraine Maxwell (19:10) in the Young Men’s and Women’s, Santiago Alejandro Furagganan (11:00) and Chelsea Roque (13:08) among Teen Boys and Girls, Zena Marie Barclay (28:04) in Women’s Masters, Eleno Rutor (21:34) in Senior Men and Helena Señagan (25:48). For short run, Josh Bauyon (4:29) and Aira Martinez (5:12) dominated the Pre-Teens while Noah de Villa (5:06) and Salve Banzon (5:27) led the Boys and Girls. Prince Gabriel Barangas and Lexi Juris Hilado led the kiddies with 2:24 and 2:25 race records.

The event was organized by the Punta Fuego Village Homeowners’ Association Inc. and Club Punta Fuego headed by race director Tony Quila.

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