UAAP 82 volleyball: 4 points from Ateneo Lady Eagles' win over UP

Faith Nisperos of the Ateneo Lady Eagles

MANILA, Philippines – When the UP Lady Fighting Maroons took to the court of the Mall of Asia Arena, their crowd was buzzing. After all, they were buoyed by a three-set sweep of their men’s team over their Ateneo counterparts. And now, the dangerous yet unpredictable distaff side was to play the women’s defending champs.

Almost immediately, the air was sucked out of them as the Lady Eagles took a double digit lead that they didn’t let go. As in all three sets, UP had one run two in the final set  but Ateneo was in control. 

I have noted in previous years that Ateneo is quick to take a lead, but they are equally maddening at coughing it right back. They nearly did in the third set. However, I noticed that in this match, they seemed calm and composed. The end to the game might be anti-climactic as UP served into a net error, I don’t think they were going to lose it anyway.

What can you take from Ateneo’s win?

Their returning veterans played a massive role

I think the Lady Eagles have the good fortune of having Kat Tolentino, Jho Maraguinot and Jamie Lavitoria back. Not only did their surprise return add firepower, but also depth and leadership to their title defense campaign. While it might have put Vannie Gandler and Joan Narit on the bench, this is still too good an opportunity to pass up.  

While Jho Maraguinot didn’t score in double digits, she gave a good account of herself as did Lavitoria late in the game.

That is a good feeling when your veterans can give you that.

The rookies played well

Faith Nisperos made a terrific debut. She scored 10 points. And I don’t think she met an attack she didn’t like. In all previous Ateneo teams, if they didn’t get a good first ball but still managed to keep it in play, they sent it back for a free ball. On a couple of occasions, Nisperos spiked it back. And I like that aggressive play. No easy sets for the opposing team.

When Oliver Almadro cautioned her for “spectacular” plays, I thought she babied her next couple of shots second guessed if you will and they didn’t score. What got her back were her serves. Along with Jaja Maraguinot, their serves kept UP scrambling (just as Lorie Bernardo and Tots Carlos did for the Lady Fighting Maroons). 

Roma Mae Doromal also gave a good account of herself alternating with Dani Ravena in the libero position. Dani didn’t seem to have that energy that she usually displays, but that happens. She did grind it out though. Along with Doromal, they give Ateneo more options on defense.

They played terrific net defense

No Maddie Madayag and Bea de Leon? Ateneo still got the job done with Jules Samonte (who had a very good game) and Tolentino providing that wall. Along with their floor defense, they mostly kept the explosive Carlos in check and Isabel Molde, silent. 

And lastly, Jaja Maraguinot rose to the occasion

It isn’t like Jho’s younger sister did not show what she could do last season, her rookie campaign. She did. But with a full preseason to mentally prepare as the starting playmaker, she exuded preternatural calm. Plus, she got everyone in the flow of the offense. And this is a veteran UP team as well that had Carlos, Molde, Jesma Ramos, Justine Dorog and Rem Cailing (Marist Layug was only sent in late in the third set).

When Jem Ferrer and Jia Morado came to Ateneo, they were immediate starting setters; spots they kept until their final playing season. Maraguinot got her spots last year backing up Deanna Wong and there were spells where you saw her great potential. With Wong still out from an injury, Ateneo looks to be in good hands.

Next up is a big test La Salle.

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