Last-ditch drive for women’s 3x3 OQT berth up

MANILA, Philippines — A major backer in Phl men’s 3x3 Olympic quest, Chooks-to-Go now also looks to boost the drive of the women’s squad.

While the men are almost assured of an Olympic Qualifying Tournament slot being at 22nd in the race for the Top 24, the women are in a precarious spot at 25th, no thanks to inactivity.

“We will hold tournaments twice a week starting next week, and we will include the women’s and hopefully get them back inside the Top 24,” said Chooks-to-Go Pilipinas league owner Ronald Mascarinas.

The Philippines men’s peaked as high as 21st Wednesday from 61st but slipped to 22nd Thursday.

The women’s, for its part, had been in the Top 24 for a long time before dropping to 25th because of lack of action.

If the men stay in the Top 24 by the FIBA-set deadline on Oct. 31, it will earn an OQT ticket. And hopefully, the women’s team makes it too.

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