NFL-toughened GlobalPort import sees himself thriving in PBA

GlobalPort Batang Pier import Murphy Holloway | PBA Media

MANILA, Philippines — It's safe to say that GlobalPort import Murphy Holloway had a walk in the park in his PBA debut Wednesday night.

He was once in the National Football League (NFL), after all.

Holloway, a 27-year-old American, once entered the NBA Draft. His bid didn’t translate to success, but he was able to make it in the premiere American football league.

“NFL, they [went to] me because of my size. That helps you man,” he shared. “Playing in the NFL, playing against guys like Ray Lewis—you might not know those names but they’re tough!”

“Getting hit everyday, getting in basketball is different than getting hit in football,” he added.

The former Baltimore Ravens tight end finished with 29 points and 26 rebounds in a 100-91 victory over the Phoenix Fuelmasters.

And it also helped that he already had an idea what it’s like playing in the PBA.“Arizona Reid is from the same place,” Holloway, said of his fellow South Carolina native, who once played for San Miguel Beer.

“I've been asking him a lot about the Philippines. He said, 'Go! Just experience it.’"

“Charles Rhodes, a great friend of mine, he told me he won his first championship here and just go and try it out,” he added.

Holloway said he’s liking the Philippines, as well as his team’s chances.

“I like it, I like it a lot! I like the hospitality here. You got a lot of American restaurants here. It's like home, they treat you well,” he said of his temporary home.

“I love it man. We got a lot of shooters,” he said of the Batang Pier.

“(Terrence) Romeo’s a big deal the way he plays. Stanley (Pringle) [is a] great player man. We got some great pieces, man!”

Holloway and the 1-1 Batang Pier will get to further test their bond when they take on Barangay Ginebra on Sunday night at the Big Dome.

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