Padit, Magsakay cop ABC singles plums

MANILA, Philippines - Manny Padit of Philflex Wires and Cable rolled a 1675 to capture the Group A crown while Violy Magsakay of Boysen Paints topped Group B with a 1600 in the Architects Bowling Club’s Singles Event Championship at the E-Lanes Center in Ortigas, San Juan last week.

Romi de Jesus of Boysen Acrytex turned in a 1608 to place second to Padit while Eugene Panaguiton of Boysen Knockout finished third with a 1599. Greg Mare of Matson Builders, on the other hand, shot a 1565 while Randy Poon of American Wires and Cables carded a 1546 to place second and third, respectively, in Group B.

Meanwhile, Panaguiton, the ABC president, is inviting all architects, sponsors, and members to participate in the weekly event starting at 7:30 p.m. 

The tournament, sponsored by Boysen Philippines, Boysen Acrytex/Knoxout/Healthy Homes/Wallguard, Dutch Boy, Crown Pipes, American Wires/Duraflex Wires and Cables, Philflex Wires and Cables, Emerald Pipes, EPCO Architectural Hardware, Consnet Builders, Miraga Trading, E.S.Vidal Builders, Romari Construction, DN Steel, Matson Builders, IFE Elevators, FMJ Electrical, Sogo Systems, Mighty Lynx, Lightcord Enterprises, HCG, Atlanta Pipes, Coach Furniture, Metro Cathay Trading, Morning Sun Glass, PRO Active Pest Control, Sygenta, Steel Tech Roof ,Mitsubishi Elevators (IEEI), American Standards (Lixil) and Glass Asia resumes tonight with the staging of the All Event Singles 6 games, 2 groups, also at E-Lanes.

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