Hope CS nips Santo Tomas, cops girls plum

MANILA, Philippines - Hope Christian School outduelled University of Santo Tomas in a rousing fifth set showdown, hacking out a 23-25, 25-20, 15-25, 25-17, 15-11 victory to retain the Shakey’s Girls’ Volley League crown at the Arellano gym over the weekend.

Alexandra Denise Tan took charge for the HCS tossers, who flashed resiliency from the opening and third set losses by taking the even-numbered sets before pouring their all in the decider to pull off the thrilling win.

Tan capped HCS big day by winning the MVP honors while teammates Rica Enlona and Djanel Cheng took the best receiver and best setter awards.

Meanwhile, Hope and UST join the top teams from Bacolod, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo and Tacloban for the national championship in the Tournament of Champions starting today in Tacloban, Leyte, according to the organizing Metrosports.

Hope’s victory also capped its sweep of the tournament sponsored by Shakey’s Pizza and backed by Toby’s Sports, Dunkin’ Donuts, Mikasa and Asics.

UST settled for runner-up honors with Kim Fajardo and Alyssa Valdez bagging the best server and best attacker awards, respectively.

Charisma Buan, also of UST, emerged the top libero while Jerry Yee of Hope ran away with the coaching honors.

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