St. Stephen rules Speedo girls swim meet

MANILA, Philippines - St. Stephen’s High School, powered by Roxine Kee and Wynona Yu, dominated the first ever Speedo All-Girls Inter-School Swimming Championships held recently at the Philippine Columbian Association pools.

St. Stephen scored 392 points to beat 30 other school teams entered in the one-day meet.

Miriam College, led by individual awardee Thea Caluma, 13, finished second with 306 points, followed by San Beda College-Alabang (232).

 Kee and Yu were two of the most oustanding swimmers. Other individual awardees were Suzy Uy from Lukban Elementary School, Regina Castillo from St. Theresa’s College, the trio of Imari Takahashi, Paula Pandes, and Judith Cruz from St. Scholastica’s College-Manila, Sofia Guanio from St. Paul’s College-Pasig and Edilyn Son of De La Salle University.

The meet, presented by Speedo, Mossimo, Hawk Bags, Beach Hut, Creative Hall, Prudential Guarantee, and I-Map Websolutions and organized by the Bert Lozada Swim School (BLSS), drew 367 female swimmers from 31 schools all over Metro Manila and neighboring cities.

“ Speedo wants to be at the forefront in the development of swimming in the country and we are happy to close the year with this big all-girls competition in partnership with the Bert Lozada Swim School. Through this kind of events, we can get more young women to get into sports for health and fitness,“ said Speedo’s Manish Mathani.

Among those who presented prizes to the top schools and individual swimmers were Speedo’s Edelyn Yanilla, Kevin Mathani of Cadbury Bourn Vita, Crystal Yaptinchay of Sports R Us, and BLSS COO Angelo Lozada.

The event was also sponsored by Jollibee, Ace Water Spa, Caltex, Blue Cow, Mommy Academy and Cadbury Bourn Vita.

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