Camaro scores stunner over muscle cars

CLARK FREEPORT – A classic 1969 Camaro driven by veteran Ken Kepner ruled the inaugural race of the 2008 Pagcor Drag Racing Championships-Northern Series recently at the newly built Clark International Speedway (CIS) Drag Strip in Clark Ecozone, Pampanga.

Kepner’s Camaro didn’t breach the nine-second barrier but was equally fast, barely escaping the challenge of Cebuano David Lim of DGL Motorsports to rule the Quick 8 division.

The event was sanctioned by the Automobile Association Philippines and sponsored by Pagcor Sports, San Miguel Corp., Pilipinas Shell, Yokohama, Motor Spray and the Clark Development Corporation.

He clocked 10.245 seconds on the quarter-mile strip, winning by just 0.285 of a second over Lim who posted 10.53 seconds in the race also serving as the final of 2008 San Mig Coffee National Drag Racing Championships.

Jonathan Tiu of JCT- Blanche Racing drove Pablo Sarmiento’s Honda to a third place finish against teammate Ed Christian Go with a time of 10.351 seconds.

The Camaro’s title journey came as a surprise as the crowd thought it was a just a fun car with a big body and big, wide rear wheels as it wiggled and wobbled, skidding off the track into the grassy area during the ceremonial run.

But after Kepner made the adjustments, the Camaro’s true power came out and earned the crowd’s respect.

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