Manny all trimmed for fight and school

 LOS ANGELES – A brand-new haircut almost made Manny Pacquiao forget about Marco Antonio Barrera.

“Wow! School boy!” the flamboyant boxer laughed at the mirror after a one-hour haircut done by his buddy from LA, Edward Lura.

By himself, Pacquiao shaved off his goatee, grown during training, and trimmed his moustache as he was filmed inside the spacious bathroom of his expensive apartment unit.

Pacquiao said his clean-cut image will serve him well as he enters the first day of his classes on Oct. 17 at Notre Dame in Gen. Santos City.

“Tamang-tama sa school (Just right for school). Matutuwa ang teacher (The teacher will like it),” said the boxer who will take up business administration.

He was in a very light, jovial mood the whole day. He enjoyed his lunch of “chicken adobo” and “bulalo” with rice.

Pacquiao heard Mass at the Christ the King Church down Vine St. at 8:30 in the morning after a brief run at the La Brea area. It was a day-off for the 28-year-old Pacquiao who climbs the ring Saturday in Las Vegas.

Later in the afternoon, he drifted off in his all-black, top-down Mercedes, driving around town tailed by two other vehicles carrying his closest friends.

Pacquiao stopped by at the Vagabond Inn to meet with his Cebuano adviser Wakee Salud, and his brothers Roel and Bobby. Then they all proceeded to Kabuki, a trendy restaurant along Sunset Blvd., for a long-table splurge on Japanese food worth $449 or roughly P20,000.

“Mura na din. Nabusog ako eh (It’s cheap. I’m so full),” he said.             – Abac Cordero

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