One for the caddies

The success of the National Caddies Program and its pioneering beneficiaries last week at the PAL tournament held in Davao was way beyond my expectations.

Though the whole scenario was actually part of the dream I had when the program was drawn a year ago, having it materialized in such short of time really amazed me.

The program is experimental and born purely out of love for golf. The desire to give the work force behind the golfing world in this country a chance to do what it is good at and what it truly loves is one of its primary goals.

For after all, most of the top professionals of the country have come from these ranks. But after last week, I am convinced that such a program could actually work. And the beauty of it is that golf clubs and golfers can contribute to it.

If a golf club (public or private or military) could give two or three of its low handicap players – caddy or junior golfer – the unconditional support each would need in order to play the game everyday, it would be the beginning of the club’s golf development program. No expectations are to be set for the players. Simply a clear love for the game and the desire to play and improve are the only prerequisites to be demanded.

I would like to make special mention of Canlubang Golf Club and Calatagan Golf Club. I thank them for taking a chance on the program and allowing it to take roots at their respective clubs. They housed and fed the players as one would an athlete in competition. They patiently saw the program through for the love of the game and perhaps this is what enabled it to bear such fruit in so short a time.

I somehow believe that through their unwavering support, they gave the players the dignity which perhaps contributed to the inspired play we all witnessed at the PAL tournament last week.

The memory of this victory and the process taken to reach it will surely stay with the players, all who watched the tournament and all who are to follow in their footsteps after they graduate from the program and pursue whatever their heart desires.

For one of the things that can hold back a person from pursuing what he loves to do is the fear of making a mistake or of failing.

This is an attitude that was nurtured in most of us while we were at school. Grades were of prime importance. A mistake was counted as a point against you, a point that brought your grade down. And sadly for many, grades defined who you were.

However, to be given the chance to do what you love for the sake of doing it is what may be the missing link to helping one achieve his true potential and reach his personal level of excellence.

I believe that this is the actual fruit of the program and of the club which supported it.

And every club also has the chance to make a difference. Two or three could be a number to start with.

Allow them to use the club’s facilities and feed them as you would nourish an athlete preparing for a major tournament.

Inter-club tournaments could follow after a year. Participants are to be limited to three or four per club. This will enable smaller clubs to join. Golf course maintenance equipment are to serve as the prizes.

There is no need to wait for the national association to do this for us and for the sport we all claim to love. Waiting for that to happen has already taken too long. Once the "go" of the Board members of the club is given and the club members support this move, you could say that the program is already on its way.

Our country has never been lacking of players with desire and potential. Our stumbling blocks have been how to harness these in a proper and effective way.

Here is a possible formula that could be explored and looked into. From what I have seen in the past year, I feel this could work.

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