Menk craving for a title after five long years

He still has the burly body, the usually unshaven look and the serious expression that will readily change into a smile when there’s reason to. But in the nearly five years that he has not been in the finals, Barangay Ginebra’s Eric Menk admits he has become a very different man.

"I was younger then and more naïve. I’ve grown up a lot since it was like five years ago," says the Kings’ star forward.

It has indeed been a long time since Menk entered the league with the now defunct Tanduay franchise and earned his only championship experience as a rookie, and this has probably made him learn the importance of where he is right now.

"I’ve always seen myself being in a lot of championship series but that didn’t happen. So now, I’ve really learned to value being in a championship series," he explains.

Like nine other Ginebra players, Menk is still looking for his first championship ring at this Gran Matador-PBA Fiesta Conference and no less than a sturdy Red Bull crew stands in their way. Though they are one up after a 94-92 victory in Game 1 Wednesday, Menk knows it ain’t that easy to finish off the Barakos.

"Every series is different. But similarly, you have to work hard on every single one of them. If you want to win, you really have to want it and earn it. Red Bull is a tough team and like us, hungry for a title.

They’d surely be back for the next game and we must be ready for them," he noted.

Menk said he hopes they could close out the series in just three games although he will not be surprised if the best-of-five series go to a full five games.

He agrees that the series is indeed a circus where so much is happening on and off the court, thus, keeping their composure is truly important. He thinks this short series is favorable for their side.

"I like it because you have to learn quickly and adapt to it, it’s fun and challenging at the same time and you can’t hold anything back. All cards must be placed down on the table asap," he states.

The man known as Major Pain is also learning to adapt to his new role. He says that he is a bit out of position after a switch from power forward to small forward because of their big line-up and the need to match-up against their similarly tall and burly opponents.

But despite the changes, one thing that Menk will always give a lot of essence to is his fans. "We really appreciate everything that the Ginebra fans are doing. They’re great and have always been there through our ups and downs. We hope we can get this one for them."

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