Torion cleared, appeals PBA ban

Red Bull’s Jimwell Torion made a personal appeal to PBA commissioner Noli Eala yesterday that his suspension be lifted following completion of his rehabilitation program in a Makati clinic.

On Monday, Life Management Foundation Inc. program director Vicente Macasaet wrote Eala, strongly recommending that Torion be reinstated after completing the program at the Makati rehab center.

Torion was suspended indefinitely by Eala after testing positive for an illegal substance in a random test. In the same decision, Eala said Torion’s case would only be reevaluated after the mid-season Asian Invitational tourney.

Eala told The STAR the suspension stays at the moment although he acknowledged the Red Bull player has taken "positive step towards his ability to play again in the PBA."

"He (Torion) had a letter saying how sorry he was. He also said while undergoing treatment and counseling, he realized how big a loss it was not to play in the PBA," said Eala.

"He has completed the 11 chapters with personal insight as required. During the twice a week multiple family therapy, he has consistently shown humility, obedience, remorse and forgiveness. These are values that will serve him well in life," said Macasaet.

"He has towed the line from the start and should be rewarded as a good example to the other recalcitrant players," Macasaet added. "Having complied with our requirements, I personally recommend his reinstatement in the ongoing Commissioner’s Cup."

What set Torion apart from the other alleged drug offenders was his admission to have have used illegal substance and readily underwent rehabilitation.

"He had a certificate saying his condition is already stable, no longer at risk and fully recovered," Eala added.

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