WGL gives amateur golfers chance to play for cash

The country’s aspiring amateur players and weekend golfers finally get the rare chance to play like pros and compete for big cash prizes when the World Golf League is held beginning May 14 at the Riviera Golf and Country Club course in Silang, Cavite.

Jersey Bay Ten, Inc., the exclusive licensee of the WGL Philippines, is introducing the new golf concept here through the efforts of its chairman Charlie Bathan, who said the event will not only boost the local golf industry but the economy as well since golfers from all over the world will come to the country to play on its various championship courses.

"The concept of WGL is unique because amateurs can now feel how it is to play like the pros, where every stroke counts and big money is on the line," said Bathan.

Under the format, a series of one-day qualifiers will be held from May to September with the 25 percent, plus ties, of the competitors advancing to the WGL Regional Championships set in October. Registration fees or annual dues are pegged at P6,000 per player with members having the option to re-qualify as often as they want although a re-qualifying fee of P3,000 will be charged.

The reqional championships will be a one-day, 18-hole event with the top low net finishers advancing to the national finals. Fund-raising tournaments, backed by corporate sponsors, will also be staged from October to December. A free golf clinic for members will also be held in September or October courtesy of Gerard Cantada’s Golf Academy.

The WGL national finals, a 54-hole tour-like event, is set Nov. 14-16 at the Riviera golf course where amateur golfers will be vying for big cash prizes.

The WGL tournaments, sponsored by The Philippine STAR,Custom Club Makers, Golf Plus, Microtel Inns & Suites, Philippine Travel Bureau, IPI, Taylor Made/adidas, Tee-Mag Ventures, Corp., Century Park Hotel and Cantada Sports, will also be held at the Eagle Ridge Golf and Country Club in Gen. Trias, Cavite.

A junior division, for players 17 years old and under, will also be staged under the same format as that of the adult division although it will be a gross competition play and the prizes will be in the form of scholarship grants to tournaments in other countries.

Those aged 13 and under will play on a 9-hole course those 14 and over will play the same course as that of the adult’s. The junior class will be divided into three age brackets — 9 and under, 10-13 and 14-17.

For details, please visit worldgolfleague.com/Philippines or contact the WGL Philippines home office at tel. No. (632) 830-2222 local 118 or email at wglphil@aol.com.

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