Friends, supporters line up 27 farewell parties for Jun Bernardino

"If there’s one mistake the PBA has committed, it is in not appointing Sonny Barrios as the next commissioner."

Whether or not it was said in jest, this message by Emilio "Jun" Bernardino drew the biggest reaction last Monday as the outgoing Philippine Basketball Association commissioner was feted, roasted and cheered upon by his family and friends at the Country Waffles restaurant in Greenhills.

During the dinner affair which stretched until past midnight, Bernardino almost ran out of words to say in thanking all those who supported him in his nine long, memorable years at the helm of the country’s biggest basketball league.

"I just can’t thank you enough," Bernardino, tears welling in his eyes, said during a short but emotional speech.

"My family, especially my wife and children, my staff who’s always been there, my friends in the PBA, and my friends from the media. And of course, Sonny Barrios, my deputy and a very dear friend whom I will always refer to as the best commissioner after me," added the commissioner of Barrios, a friend from way, way back their school years at Ateneo.

After he announced his retirement a couple of months ago due to health reasons, Bernardino said he wanted Barrios to succeed him, and formally recommended his deputy to the PBA board. But things didn’t seem to turn out that way with Barrios, feeling bypassed, recently announcing his own retirement from the PBA.

"Tama na ito. Nai-iyak na ako," Bernardino said smiling but still trying to hold back his tears. Then he left the podium, shook hands and exchanged high fives with almost everybody present.

Among those on hand to greet Bernardino in what was described as "only the first of 27 farewell parties" lined up for him were friends like Leo Prieto, Bobong Velez, Ricky Palou, Elmer Yanga, Mario Raymundo, Romy Guevarra, Moying Martelino, Iggy Yenko, Ronnie Nathanielz, Debbie Tan and Barrios, who also came with his family.

"Twenty-seven parties daw ito representing the 27 PBA seasons," added Bernardino who, for one last time during the evening, climbed the stage with Barrios, raised the hand of his deputy and, as if proclaiming a candidate, shouted: "Sonny Barrios for 2004!

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