Rep. Puentevella gets POC nod

The Philippine Olympic Committee has recognized former Philippine Sports commissioner and now Bacolod Representative Monico Puentevella as the duly elected president of the Philippine Weightlifting Association.

"The POC received a letter from the PWA informing us that Monico Puentevella is its new president. The POC is not in a position to question that recommendation because of the autonomy of NSAs (National Sports Associations)," said POC president Celso Dayrit.

Dayrit made this announcement after attending the meeting by the joint POC-Philippine Sports Commission Busan Asian Games task force headed by triathlon’s Tom Carrasco.

Meanwhile, PSC chairman Eric Buhain, who attended the same meeting, announced the resignation of PSC commissioner William "Butch" Ramirez as the agency’s executive director. — Joey Villar

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