Senatorial bet Bam Aquino visits Bohol

 TAGBILARAN CITY, Philippines  - Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV, a close relative of President Benigno Simeon Aquino III, visited Bohol last Oct. 10 to make his presence felt by the Boholanos.

Bam confessed to the media that he has to double his effort in the hope to make it to the magic 12 in Senate come May 13, 2013.

The younger Aquino, one of the 12 senatorial candidates of the Liberal Party, said that he has to work harder since he only placed 17th in the August 2012 survey.

Bam first met with reelectionist Gov. Edgar Chatto, who accompanied him and his entourage to Getafe town, northeastern part of Bohol for a certain engagement there, and then flew back to Manila later in the afternoon.

Asked if he is banking on his family name in winning his bid for a Senate seat, he did not directly answer the question but said that he is counting on the voters of the province to put him to the Senate.

Despite his being a relative of the president, he underwent to the process of selection that made him gained a slot in the LP ticket for senator, Bam said.

His being there at the LP Senate slate was backed by other party stalwarts including indorsement from Senator Kiko Pangilinan.

Bam said the Senate needs young blood like him and, if elected, he would prefer to chair the youth and enterprises committees.

Bam Aquino was accompanied by then fellow youth commissioner Benjie Oliva, a Boholano, and provincial administrator Alfonso Damalerio II during the press conference at Metro Center Hotel in the city.  (FREEMAN)

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