In Negros oriental 257 elective posts at stake

DUMAGUETE CITY , Philippines  – The Comelec in Negros Oriental is all set for the 5-day filing of certificates of candidacy (COCs) for a total of 257 elective positions in government in the May 2013 polls.

Provincial Election Supervisor Eddie Aba on Friday said his office personnel are ready for this, from October 1 to 5.

Up for grabs are the positions of governor, vice governor, Provincial Board members (10 province-wide), House of Representatives (three congressional districts), city and municipal mayors (25), city and municipal vice mayors (25), and a total of 212 city and municipal councilors of each of the five cities and 20 municipalities of the province.

Candidates for the positions of governor, vice governor, Board Member and House Representative shall file their COCs at the provincial COMELEC office while the rest at the COMELEC offices in their respective towns and cities, said Aba.

Aba said he expects a shift in the previous practice of candidates filing their COCs at the last hour on the last day, considering that the poll body is very strict in its policy in not giving an extension.

He believed that candidates fear that the lack or absence of a requirement or requirements for the filing of their COCs might lead to their disqualification, such that he anticipates early filing of COCs instead.

Comelec offices will receive the filing of COCs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with no noon break during the specified dates next week. On the final day of filing (October 5), candidates who are inside a Comelec office by 4:45 p.m. shall be listed down and will be called individually to file their COCs even after the deadline time at 5 p.m., Aba explained.

For those lacking certain requirements at deadline time, the Comelec office where a candidate submits his COC will still accept the same, but the law department of the Comelec central office will decide on the fate of that particular candidate, he added.

Aba said officers and staff of Comelec offices in Negros Oriental are now fully prepared for next week’s activity.

He reiterated that the ongoing voters’ registration will be suspended on these days to give way to the filing of COCs. (FREEMAN)

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